Monday, October 5, 2009


Meeting held in Social Hall March 9th, 1874. 

Opened by singing and prayer by Sister Peel.  Minutes of a former meeting were read to accept.

Sister Morrison wished to hear the sisters speak freely and appreciated the opportunity.  Said the Lord will help them that help themselves.  Sister Jensen gave her report in Danish.  Sister C. Jensen and Sister E. Seely bore their testimony  - - - felt glad they were connected with this work.  Several of the Danish sisters spoke in their own tongue  - - -                                                        all felt well.

Sister Christena Christensen thanked the Society in behalf of her father for the garments. He received his on his 77th year of age and is sick. 

Sister Morrison made a few remarks concerning the wants of the people.  She wants the teachers to have the spirit of their calling, so that they may really know and understand the needs assistance; for as a people we are getting numerous.  We must keep up with the times.  Sister Peel made a few edifying remarks.  Sister S. Peterson bore her testimony - - - felt glad she had a standing in the church.  She said God is merciful unto her and her children....said that He helps them that help themselves.

Sister Peel felt well....said it is good for us to meet together in the name of our Father.  Said no one has any need to suffer . . . wants that the visiting teachers should see into the wants of the people, poor and aged.  Sister Fetcher bore her testimony....felt glad to meet with the sisters.  She has been deprived from the meetings through her daughters's sickness.

It was moved and carried that Sisters Ann and Sena Johansen were admitted as members of the Relief Society. 

The meeting was closed by singing and prayer by Sister Simpson.

MF Morrison, President

Elizabeth Wallis, Secretary