Meeting held April 17th 1876. Opened with singing "O Saints Have You Seen on Your Mountain Tops"
Prayer by Sister Peeel. Minutes of a former meeting were read and accepted. Also reports of donns and disbursements.
Sister Morrison addressed the meeting at some length and was glad to see so many present annd hopd now that the weather was fine that the sisters would make in convenient to come to meeting, that the house mibht be filled and the Spirit of the lord might fill every bosom to overflowing. She hoped that the sisters belonging to the visiting commiettee would be particularl to keep a correct accounting of donations received by them no matter how small, so that a correct report could be made at the end of the year.. also to remember the coming emigration. There wer some who had donated last meeting, but there were still many more that might do so, that every little would help. That the Lord did not look at the amount given so much as the spirit in which it was given, for He loved a cheerful giver.. That now was the gathering of the dispensation that the servants of the Lord had been called to go to the nations of the earth to gather out the honest in heart and prepare for the second coming of the Mesiah.
Sister Peel spoke in the Danish language and interpreted what had been previously said so that all might be efited. Many of the sisters bore a faithful testimony to the great work of the last days and rejoiced in the privelege affordedthem of hearing the servants of the Lord from time to time.
It was proposed and seconded that our meetings which were held semi-monthly should be continued; one a testimony meeting , the other a business meeting alternately.
Meeting closed with singing and benediction by Sister Peterson.
It was also moved and seconded that Sister Hasler should be appointed Assistant Secretary for the Relief Society which was unanimous.
MFC Morrison President
Secty: pro tem